Hello Song
Journal or Discussion (with siblings or adult)
“What are songs/music that helps me feel calm?”
We journal on half sheets of papers that have been folded and then stabled along the middle. They can journal or just talk to you about their answers.
Feel free to listen to that music/song and discuss why it helps them feel calm.
Women History Month - Ella Fitzgerald
In the late 19th and early 20th century, jazz was born in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana. By the 1930s, it had crept its way into the bustling city of New York, New York. Ella Fitzgerald, a woman who had experienced a difficult life, entered a talent competition and wowed audiences with her amazing voice. This was the start of her remarkable singing career which led to her reputation as the First Lady of Song, Queen of Jazz, and Lady Ella.
Musical Talent Share
Have your child share a musical talent if they would like to. Singing, drumming, piano, guitar, ukulele, or any other musical instrument around the house.
Movement Song: Tooty Ta
Singing Time: Elephants Have Wrinkles
Music Theory
Instrument Making and Playing
Here is a resource to make one of three instruments this week.
Afterward, have them play their instrument with any type of music you want to listen to on your phone/computer/CD/LP, etc.
Here is a song "Make a Little Music" that can be used as well.
Music Education Game
You can print this handout. Pages 2-3 are matched with ¾ time, and pages 4-5 are matched with 4/4 time.
Note: If you can’t access the file, you might have to request access.
Composer Time: Rodgers & Hammerstein
Based on the fairytale character and story of Cinderella, Rodgers and Hammerstein created their only collaborative effort written for television. Cinderella aired on March 31, 1957, on CBS.
1957 Version In My Own Corner Julie Andrews
1965 Version Step-sisters Lament
1997 Version Impossible; It's Possible
Goodbye Song
So long till we see you again.
So long for today.
So long till we see you again.
May good things come your way.