Hello Song - The More We Get Together
(sung to the tune of “Have You Ever Seen a Lassie?”)
The more we get together,
Together, together.
The more we get together,
The happier we’ll be.
There’s <child’s name> and <child’s name>,
And <child’s name> and <child’s name>,
The more we get together,
The happier we’ll be.
Singing Time - Old McDonald
-Come up with your own animals or have your child help you.
-Cat, Dog, Horse, Cow, Sheep, Duck, Chicken, pig
Hey Mr. Knickerbocker
Singing Time: Itsy Bitsy Spider
Singing Time: Open Shut Them
Open shut them, open shut them.
Give a little clap, clap, clap. [Clap.]
Open shut them, open shut them.
Put them in your lap, lap, lap.
“Big and small.”
Big and small. Big and small.
Big, big, big, big, small, small, small.
Big and small. Big and small.
Big, big, big, big, small, small, small.
“Please. No, thank you.”
Please. No, thank you. Please. No, thank you.
Please, please, please, please. No thank you.
Please. No, thank you. Please. No, thank you.
Please, please, please, please. No thank you.
“Fast and slow.”
Fast and slow. Fast and slow.
Fast, fast, fast, fast, slow, slow, slow.
Fast and slow. Fast and slow.
Fast, fast, fast, fast, slow, slow, slow.
“Loud and quiet.”
Loud and quiet. Loud and quiet.
Loud, loud, loud, loud. Shh... Quiet.
Loud and quiet. Loud and quiet.
Loud, loud, loud, loud. Shh... Quiet.
Peek-a-boo. Peek-a-boo.
Peek-a, peek-a, peek-a-boo!
Peek-a-boo. Peek-a-boo.
Peek-a, peek-a, peek-a-boo! ♫
Instrument Making and Playing
Here is a resource to make one of three instruments this week.
Afterward, have your child play their instrument with any type of music your child enjoys, or...
You can have them play along with me in this next video. Feel free to skip ahead of my long introduction.
Singing Time: Elephants Have Wrinkles
You can point to each part of your child's body that is mentioned in the song or help them do it themselves.
Ring Around the Rosie
Ring-around the Rosie,
A pocket full of posies,
Ashes! Ashes!
We all fall down.
2nd verse:
The cows are in the meadow
Eating all the grass.
Ashes, ashes,
Who's up last?
Goodbye Song
Reach your hands up high. Bring them way down low.
Reach your hands up high. Bring them way down low.
To the side, to the side. To the side, to the side.
To the front, to the back. To the front, to the back.
On top of your head, and now in your lap.
Cuz now it's time to go.
Goodbye everyone. Goodbye everyone. Goodbye everyone.
Thank you for making music.